Unlock the advantages of our Cream Jar, the top-notch product from our range of packaging solutions. As a manufacturer and supplier with over 6 years of experience, we take pride in offering the finest quality products to our customers. Our Cream Jar is no exception, with its exclusive design and popularity among our clients. Made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), our Cream Jar is available in a 100gm powder jar and a double wall cream jar. The superlative quality of our Cream Jar ensures that your cream stays fresh and protected from external factors. Our Cream Jar is perfect for a wide range of applications, including cosmetic creams, lotions, and ointments. The exclusive design of our Cream Jar makes it a popular choice among our customers, who trust us to provide them with the best packaging solutions. If you're looking to buy a Cream Jar, look no further than our product. With our supply ability in the domestic market covering all of India and our exporter status in Africa, we are confident that our Cream Jar will meet all your packaging needs. Choose our Cream Jar for its top-notch quality, finest design, and superlative features.